BMM credit and certificates

Credits for Build Math Minds Membership NOT Courses

The information on this page is to earn credit for the trainings you watch inside the BMM Member area, NOT The Flexibility Formula courses.  If you want to register for credit for the courses, go into your MY COURSES area and use the link inside the course.


With each state/district having different requirements for what they accept for PD, we offer certificates stating the hours you have completed or you can also register for university credit.  The information and links below are for BMM membership videos.  If you are taking a full Flexibility Formula course there are special links for those courses under your My Courses area.


Some training series inside BMM have certificates that you can request right inside the training once you finish them (which get delivered in the My Certificates area of the site).  However, most trainings don’t have certificates you can earn.  If you need a certificate of completion for trainings you watch that don’t have a certificate you can fill out a spreadsheet listing out the trainings you watch inside BMM and then email that to us (  Then we double check that with what the backend of the site shows that you have completed and we can email you a certificate stating how many hours you have watched PD. **Make sure you are marking videos complete when you finish watching them.

The other option is doing university credits through Northwest Nazarene University.


Northwest Nazarene University:  They charge $60/credit and you can earn one credit for every 15 hours of video you complete.  To let us know you are ready for Christina to enter your grade, you need to fill out a spreadsheet listing out the trainings you watched inside BMM and then email that to us (  Then we double check that with what the backend of the site shows that you have completed and then Christina will enter your grade. **Make sure you are marking videos complete when you finish watching them.** The credits through NNU are Pass/Fail grades.  Go here to register with NNU for their credit:

**These NNU links change each year**