Counters- difference between counting all and using from the counters to answer a question using some of the counters


I’ve been working with 1st graders on counting objects- trying to build number sense and getting ready for their place value unit. I am an instructional coach- not in the class daily.

I am noticing that when some students are given 20-50 objects to count, they are accurate. These particular students usually line them up as they count rather than making groups of 10. But, when they are given the same pile of counters and given a story problem to use the counters to represent things in the story, they become inaccurate. It almost seems like they are confused by having more counters than they need to solve a problem like “Max had 8 chips. Then he got 4 more chips. How many does he have now?”  I’ve noticed them looking back and forth between the counters they have pulled out and inaccurately counted and the pile of unused counters. Maybe it’s having more tasks to manage in their brains while trying to solve a problem?

As number sense develops, is this tied to a stage of development or have a name? I can’t figure out what to search to help me figure out what this called. I’d also love any advice that might help them progress and become more accurate with using the counters to solve problems.

Thanks for your advice.

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So the work of Clements & Sarama (their learning trajectories) gives way more fine-tuned details about all the stages within counting.  I went to their website and found this information about what I think the stage is for this kiddo, it sounds like they are working on becoming a “Producer”

Producer...Producing a set number of items is typically more difficult than counting a collection of items. Children have to keep the target number in mind at all times and stop themselves when they reach it.

On that site, they have activities you can do to help a child who is in that stage…you do have to create an account to access it, but it’s a totally free site funded through grants.

I think doing those activities would also help you with the issue of getting kids more accurate with using counters to solve problems.


  • Melissa Johnson
    Thank you so much for your response- I had forgotten about that resource. I have a lot more to learn about math development!
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